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Greetings beautiful people! I am Sashani but close friends and family call me ShaniPani, hence the blog name. I began this blogging journey as a creative outlet aiming to inspire and help others on this journey called life. As you tag along for the ride you'll find content to help you through your adulting journey and I'll share thoughts on my faith expressed in various ways to encourage you on your Christian walk. 

I live on the beautiful island of Jamaica a.k.a paradise, which I'm grateful to call my home. On the island, adventure awaits in vibrant locations as well as hidden spots. I'll share my finds in the hope that you will be enthused to seek out your own adventures for yourselves. An adventure to me is exploring food, nature, and any activity bringing you joy and excitement.


Follow me on this amazing journey as I share my experiences and lessons learned. I know you'll be inspired and triggered to live life to the fullest.

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